
Development of Honeybees - from egg to adult bee

I. Egg

The egg of bees derive from the dual ovar of the queen. The eggs are created in the ovariols (egg tubs, any of them 140 bis 180 in every part of them). Every one starts as a tiny fathom, they got bigger through cell divison. Feeding cells supply th egg cells with fat, proteine and carbon hydrates. In the followin part of the egg tubs the single cells got bigger until they fill out the whole tube. In the last phase, the egg got a membrane, the egg derma, but one end stays open, where one or more sperms could penetrate. This happens while passing the so called receptaculum semini - sperms and egg were combined together. Until now, the core (nucleus) starts to divide. The oviposition is gone after in a empty cell honeycomb, where the egg sticks perpendicular on top of the ground. This small egg (length: 1,3-1,8 mm, weigth: 0,3 mg) inclines in tempus of three days, until it lays in the end on ground. Meanwhile many nucleus divisions take place in the egg and the nucleus migration. After these three days first specific parts have been developed - mouth, intestine, hearth, kidney, trachea, glandulars and nerves.

II. Circle larva

The derma opens and the larva is releasedi, which lies crooked on the cell ground. The amah bees release a white fluid in the cell, that fills the lava sideways (lateral). The growth take place exponetial (weight progression, 2nd. day: 3,4 mg, 3th. day: 33,3 mg, 4th. Tag: 100,1 mg, 5th. day: 134,5 mg, 6th. day: 155,2 mg).

III. Streched larva

After 5,5 to 6 days the larva is too big to lay in the cell and it start to stretch upright itself. The mouth is direction to the cell opening. The cells were closed with an operculum - at that time this is the end of fedding through amah bees. The operculum is not airtight, otherwise the larva wouldn´t be able to breathing. The after of the streched larva has been developed, so the larva from now on is defecating to the cell ground. In the defecot contain parts of pollen which were mixed to the nutrition since the 4th. day. The larva starts to spider a cocoon round itself.

IV. Pre-Pupa and Pupa

We call it now pre-pupa, later pupa. 15 days after the oviposition the later adult could be recognized in rudimentary ways. The pupa is in the beginning absolutely white - the pupa will be until hatch more and more darker; this is the process of hardening of the chitin coat. After the bite through the operculum the adult insect (imago) gets out. The queen require a time of 16 days from egg until adult; the worker bee 21 days and the drone 24 days.
This procedure is called holometaboly.

V. Adult

The 13 segments (rings), which could be charactericed at the larva, could be proof at a adult. The bisection between Tergum (dorsum scale) and Sternum (stomach scale) could be seen espacially well at the back. The adult have in cotrary to the development stages over dermal wings, that had been only rudimentary parts before. The reduction of the 11th. and 12th. segments could be explained though the fact that these segments were used to build the sting. The chitin derma of the larva have been changed to a tight coat. The adult insect disposes about thickly hair over it body, which has been exposed after hatch.

The honey bees are separeted to three beeings: female worker, queen and drone. The following table could show the differences between them well.