
Lexicon, Glossar

Abdomenlat. belly, stomach of insects
Absondingdeparture from the hive by the entire colony
AdultFull grown.
AllelA specific exposure of a gen.
Anaphylactic ShockA sudden and severe allergic reaction characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure, swelling, and difficulty breathing.
Antherthe part of the flower that contains pollen
Apiarista beekeeper
Apiarya collection of managed bee colonies
Apiculturethe science of beekeeping
Apis melliferaApis melifera, lat. Honeybee
Bacillus larvaethe bacterium that causes American foulbrood
Barbsa part of the worker bee's sting which is used as an anchor.
Beelat. Apis mellifera
Bee breadThe mix of pollen and honey eaten by worker bees
Bee brushA tool for gently removing bees of comb
Bee metamorphosisthe three stages through which a bee passes before reaching maturity: egg, larva, and pupa.
Bee plantsPlants that are frequented by bees for nectar and pollen
Beeswaxa substance secreted on the underside of the abdomen of worker bees used to build comb
Bottom boardsThe floor of a beehive
Brooddeveloping bees (eggs, larvae, pupae) that have not yet emerged from their cells
Capa covering that closes a cell containing pupa or honey
CappingThe thin wax covering on cells full of honey.
Cella single hexagonal unit of comb
Colonya community of bee having a single queen, thousands of worker bees, and for many parts of the year, drones
Colony divisionexiting of a part of a bee colony to form a new hive
Combthe hexagonal structure used to store honey and raise brood
CrystallizationHoney is a supersaturated solution. Crystals will develop in honey when glucose crystallizes out of solution. Crystallization of honey is most rapid at 57?F
Cupidthe mythological Greek god who dipped his arrows in honey
Dancea series of movements made by a forager bee or a scout bee to communicate the location and type of resource
Diploiddouble chromosomes / also see haploid
Domastic beeA worker bee in the second stage of its life. It spends its time maintaining the hive.
DroneMale honey bee, been devoloped with diploid genom from unfertilized eggs.
Entomologythe science of insects
Entrance ReducersDevices to limit the size of the entrance to a hive.
European foulbroodan infectious brood dis ease of honey bees caused by streptococcus p/u ton.
ExtractorA machine that rotates honeycomb with great speed to remove honey
Feraldomesticated animals that have escaped captivity
Food chambera hive body filled with honey for winter stores.
Forager beea foraging worker bee
Foragingthe act of gathering pollen and nectar from flowers by worker bees
Foundationwax coating in the base of a frame. The coating has an imprint of the hexagonal design of the comb to encourage bees to build their comb in line with the design
Framewooden rectangle with a sheet of foundation to support a comb
GenomThe whole construction plan of a organism
Graftingremoving a worker larva from its cell and placing it in an artificial queen cup in order to have it reared into a queen.
Grid to separatePart of beekeepers equipment, grid where only worker bees are able to fit through. Through that there is a separation between place for eggs and honey.
Guard BeeThe worker bee is 15 - 20 days old. In this stage, the worker bee's poison glands are developed and the worker guards the hive against enemies
Haemolymphe"Blood"-similar substance in the bee organism
Haploidhalf of chromosomes / view althogh diploid
Headthe front section of a insect body containing antennae and other sensory apparatus
Hexagona figure with six sides and six angles
Hivethe home for a bee colony
Hive toolA tool for removing the capping off the comb.
Honeythe most important product of honey bee
Honey stomachan organ in the abdomen of the honey bee used for carrying nectar, honey, or water.
House beea young worker bee whose activities are confined to the hive
Imagoadult animal
Instrumental inseminationthe introduction of drone spermatozoa into the genital organs of a virgin queen by means of special instruments.
Larva(plural, larvae) - middle stage of a developing bee; unsealed brood
Laying worker a worker which lays infertile eggs, producing only drones, usually in colonies that are hopelessly queenless.
MappleBroad leaved tree Bee plant
Mating flightthe flight taken by a virgin queen while she mates in the air with several drones.
Nectara sweet liquid secreted in flowers and on leaves of plants
Nuc boxA small hive used to start new colonies after splitting a hive.
Nuptial flightsa series of mating excursions made by a young queen
Nurse beeA bee in the first stage of its life. It spends its time feeding brood and maintaining the hive.
Organisma organism is a lifeform
Orientation flightsflights taken by house bees in preparation for becoming foragers
PhaenotypCharacteristica of an individuum
PheromonesChemical substances for communication in the bee hive
PistilA flower's central organ that contains the stigma, style and ovary
Pollenmale reproduction unit of plants, essential for the bee organism
Pollen BasketA smooth area on the hind leg of a bee surrounded by stiff hairs. It is used for carrying pollen.
Pollen inserta device inserted in the entrance of a colony into which hand-collected pollen is placed. As the bees leave the hive and pass through the trap, some of the pollen adheres to their bodies and is carried to the blossom, resulting in cross-pollination.
Pollen pattiesA mixture of pollen, honey, and a pollen supplement fed to colonies in early spring.
Pollen substituteany material such as soybean flour, powdered skim milk, brewer's yeast, or a mixture of these used in place of pollen to stimu late brood rearing.
Pollinationthe transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma of a flower
Pollinizerthe plant source of pollen used for pollination.
Prime swarmthe first swarm to leave the par ent colony, usually with the old queen.
Pupa(plural, pupae) - final stage of a developing bee; sealed brood
QueenNormally only one in a colony, she is the authority who controlls the colony, only she lays eggs. From egg until queen, there are only 16 days.
Queena female bee that lays all the eggs in the colony
Queen cage candycandy made by kneading powdered sugar with invert sugar syrup until it forms a stiff dough; used as food in queen cages.
Queen cella special vertically hanging cell used to place an egg that will become a queen
Queen excluderA device for keeping the queen out of the honey supers
Re-QueeningIntroducing a new queen into a colony.
Rendering waxthe process of melting combs and cappings and removing refuse from the wax.
Robbingstealing of nectar, or honey, by bees from other colonies.
Royal jellyfood for queen larvae
Scout beesbees that search and select a new hive site
Self-pollinationthe transfer of pollen from an ther to stigma of the same plant.
Skepa straw hive without movable frames
Slumgumthe refuse from melted comb and cappings after the wax has been rendered or removed.
SmokerA device for introducing smoke into a hive.
Solar wax extractora glass-covered insulated box used to melt wax from combs and cappings by the heat of the sun.
Spermathecaa pouch-like stucture on a queen's abdomen for storing sperm
StamenThe male part of a flower where pollen-producing anther are borne
Stinger1/8'' long hollow tube with a barbed tip attached to a pocket at the end of the abdomen used to eject venom
Streptococcus plutonbacterium that causes European foulbrood.
Sugar Shake methodA means of trapping mites
Sugar SyrupA 2:1 mixture of sugar and water by volume.
Supersection of a mangaed hive used for honey storage, typically above the brood chamber
Supercedurethe taking over of an old queen by a daughter queen
Supersedurea natural replacement of an established queen by a daughter in the same hive. Shortly after the young queen commences to lay eggs, the old queen disappears.
SwarmThe natural division of a bee colony. A swarm of the weight of 3 kg contains 1 kg honey. The beekeeper trys to supress swarming.
Swarm CellsComb cells used for rearing new queens.
Terramycinan antibiotic used to prevent American and European foulbrood.
Thoraxlatain, Body, the middle section of an insect body to which the wings and legs are attached
Tracheal mitesA parasitic mite.
Transferringthe process of changing bees and combs from common boxes to movable frame hives.
Travel stainthe dark discoloration on the sur face of comb honey left on the hive for some time, caused by bees tracking propolis over the surface.
Uncapping knifea knife used to shave or re move the cappings from combs of sealed honey prior to extraction; usually heated by steam or electricity.
Unitingcombining two or more colonies to form a larger colony
VarroaMite, who could kill as a parasite of bees in the end the bee colony. The mite start to leech haemolymphe in the bee stadium larvae, that effects a misbuilded adult bee. If too many bees dies of that, the bee colony dies too.
Venom allergya condition in which a person, when stung, may experience a variety of symp toms ranging from a mild rash or itchiness to anaphylactic shock. A person who is stung and experiences abnormal symptoms should consult a physician before working bees again.
Venom hypersensitivitya condition in which a person, if stung, is likely to experience an aphylactic shock. A person with this condition should carry an emergency insect sting kit at all times during warm weather.
Virgin queenan unmated queen
Wax lidA lid made by building bees to cap cells and help store the honey
Winter clusterthe arrangement of adult bees within the hive during winter
Worker beean unmated female bee
Worker combcomb measuring about five cells to the inch, in which workers are reared and honey and pollen are stored.
PheromoneVerschiedene chemische Substanzen, die zur Verständigung zwischen Individuen der selben Art benutzt werden.

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